Pencarrow Chardonnay 2023 750ml
"Medium lemon with gold flecks. An enticing aroma of nectarine, golden peach and hazelnut, followed by suggestions of toasted almond and lemon meringue pie. Intensely fruity and rounded on the palate. Grilled apricot, peach and grapefruit flood the mid palate, the wine finishing long and luscious, with a hint of minerality and a pleasing mealy, creaminess. A fruit-forward style of Chardonnay that showcases the juicy fruit."
Alc 13.5%
"Medium lemon with gold flecks. An enticing aroma of nectarine, golden peach and hazelnut, followed by suggestions of toasted almond and lemon meringue pie. Intensely fruity and rounded on the palate. Grilled apricot, peach and grapefruit flood the mid palate, the wine finishing long and luscious, with a hint of minerality and a pleasing mealy, creaminess. A fruit-forward style of Chardonnay that showcases the juicy fruit."
Alc 13.5%