Bellini Cipriani 750ml
"The original Harry’s Bar Cocktail. In 1948, Giuseppe Cipriani, founder of the legendary Harry’s Bar in Venice, created an exciting cocktail when he mixed fresh white peaches with prosecco.
Straight from Venice, the Cipriani Bellini Cocktail with its signature blue bottle is perfect for all occasions! Since this cocktail contains real peach pulp (likely to be at the bottom of the bottle), it’s best served by inverting gently before opening and chilled."
Alc 5.5%
"The original Harry’s Bar Cocktail. In 1948, Giuseppe Cipriani, founder of the legendary Harry’s Bar in Venice, created an exciting cocktail when he mixed fresh white peaches with prosecco.
Straight from Venice, the Cipriani Bellini Cocktail with its signature blue bottle is perfect for all occasions! Since this cocktail contains real peach pulp (likely to be at the bottom of the bottle), it’s best served by inverting gently before opening and chilled."
Alc 5.5%