Bols Peppermint Green 700ml
BOLS Peppermint Green is a green liqueur flavored with peppermint ? the flavor is extracted directly from fresh mint leaves. Varieties of oil of mint leave from the US, UK and Morocco are distilled, resulting in a clean, well-defined bouquet with a definite mint finish. Bols Peppermint has been long favored as a digestive liqueur. You may see Bols Peppermint written as ?Cr?me de Menthe? (the French name) Bols Peppermint Green has been THE peppermint liqueur for cocktails for well over a century from the old day cocktails to the Grasshoppers of today.
Alcohol Vol. 24%
BOLS Peppermint Green is a green liqueur flavored with peppermint ? the flavor is extracted directly from fresh mint leaves. Varieties of oil of mint leave from the US, UK and Morocco are distilled, resulting in a clean, well-defined bouquet with a definite mint finish. Bols Peppermint has been long favored as a digestive liqueur. You may see Bols Peppermint written as ?Cr?me de Menthe? (the French name) Bols Peppermint Green has been THE peppermint liqueur for cocktails for well over a century from the old day cocktails to the Grasshoppers of today.
Alcohol Vol. 24%