Bottega Raspberry 500ml
It is a creamy liqueur, pleasantly sweet and with a moderate alcohol content, characterized by an intense aroma of raspberry. Raspberries, with an intense red color and their sweet taste with a sour hint, are macerated in water and alcohol for a few days. Subsequent distilling leads to a completely natural substance, rich in the typical aromas of this fragrant berry. The addition of a milk cream creates a pleasantly soft texture, which caresses the palate and enhances the typical and delicate taste of the berries. With a final touch of grappa, Raspberry Bottega gains a particular aromaticity, making it unique and unmistakable.
15% ABV
It is a creamy liqueur, pleasantly sweet and with a moderate alcohol content, characterized by an intense aroma of raspberry. Raspberries, with an intense red color and their sweet taste with a sour hint, are macerated in water and alcohol for a few days. Subsequent distilling leads to a completely natural substance, rich in the typical aromas of this fragrant berry. The addition of a milk cream creates a pleasantly soft texture, which caresses the palate and enhances the typical and delicate taste of the berries. With a final touch of grappa, Raspberry Bottega gains a particular aromaticity, making it unique and unmistakable.
15% ABV