Buffalo Trace Bourbon 45% 1000ml
Buffalo Trace is a really classy bourbon from the eponymous distillery that has been responsible for some truly outstanding products in recent years. A must-stock for any bar worthy of the name and probably the best all-rounder at the price.
Spicy and sweet on the nose with caramel, creamy toffee eclairs, hints of cinnamon, rum spice and cereal sweetness. On the palate, brown sugar, toffee apple, sweet oak, custard, oily espresso beans, a touch of chocolate-covered raisins and toasty wood. Good length finish with sweet spices, cinnamon gum and toffee.
Alc 45%
Buffalo Trace is a really classy bourbon from the eponymous distillery that has been responsible for some truly outstanding products in recent years. A must-stock for any bar worthy of the name and probably the best all-rounder at the price.
Spicy and sweet on the nose with caramel, creamy toffee eclairs, hints of cinnamon, rum spice and cereal sweetness. On the palate, brown sugar, toffee apple, sweet oak, custard, oily espresso beans, a touch of chocolate-covered raisins and toasty wood. Good length finish with sweet spices, cinnamon gum and toffee.
Alc 45%