1792 Ridgemont Small Batch 46.85% 750ml
Sophisticated and complex. A distinctly different bourbon created with precise craftsmanship. Made from our signature 'high rye' recipe and the marriage of select barrels carefully chosen by our Master Distiller. 1792 Bourbon has an expressive and elegant flavor profile. unmistakable spice mingles with sweet caramel and vanilla to create a bourbon that is incomparably brash and bold, yet smooth and balanced. Elevating whiskey to exceptional new heights,1792 is celebrated by connoisseurs worldwide.
Alc 46.85%
Sophisticated and complex. A distinctly different bourbon created with precise craftsmanship. Made from our signature 'high rye' recipe and the marriage of select barrels carefully chosen by our Master Distiller. 1792 Bourbon has an expressive and elegant flavor profile. unmistakable spice mingles with sweet caramel and vanilla to create a bourbon that is incomparably brash and bold, yet smooth and balanced. Elevating whiskey to exceptional new heights,1792 is celebrated by connoisseurs worldwide.
Alc 46.85%