El Gran Viejo Tequila Extra Anejo 750ml
El Gran Viejo Extra Anejo Tequila is produced and bottled in Mexico. Handcrafted from blue agave and aged to perfection. Utra-aged or Extra A?ejo tequila has been aged for a period of at least three years, without specifying the aging time in the label, in direct contact with the wood of oak (holm or holm oak) or Encino oak containers with a maximum capacity of 600 liters. Its commercial alcohol content must be adjusted by dilution water.
Alc 38%
El Gran Viejo Extra Anejo Tequila is produced and bottled in Mexico. Handcrafted from blue agave and aged to perfection. Utra-aged or Extra A?ejo tequila has been aged for a period of at least three years, without specifying the aging time in the label, in direct contact with the wood of oak (holm or holm oak) or Encino oak containers with a maximum capacity of 600 liters. Its commercial alcohol content must be adjusted by dilution water.
Alc 38%