Glen Moray Classic 700ml
- Single Malt
- Speyside
"COLOUR: Light gold.
NOSE: At full strength, the aroma is fragrant and lightly drying with warming malty notes. The first impression is of butterscotch and shortbread with fresh herbal/grassy notes. Lemon curd and meringue are discovered in the background. With water, malt and spices combine to reveal oatmeal with a hint of freshly ground black pepper. Lemongrass, tea-tree oil and heather aromatics give the whisky a fragrance throughout.
TASTE: The mouthfeel is lightly spiced with a warming and gently mouth watering effect. Malty toffee sweetness is present throughout with blackcurrants and a fragrant citrus lemongrass tang.
FINISH: Shortbread, fresh herbal notes (lemongrass) and the sweet spiciness of ginger marmalade."
Alc 40%
- Single Malt
- Speyside
"COLOUR: Light gold.
NOSE: At full strength, the aroma is fragrant and lightly drying with warming malty notes. The first impression is of butterscotch and shortbread with fresh herbal/grassy notes. Lemon curd and meringue are discovered in the background. With water, malt and spices combine to reveal oatmeal with a hint of freshly ground black pepper. Lemongrass, tea-tree oil and heather aromatics give the whisky a fragrance throughout.
TASTE: The mouthfeel is lightly spiced with a warming and gently mouth watering effect. Malty toffee sweetness is present throughout with blackcurrants and a fragrant citrus lemongrass tang.
FINISH: Shortbread, fresh herbal notes (lemongrass) and the sweet spiciness of ginger marmalade."
Alc 40%