Ketel One Vodka 700ml
The distillery was founded over 300 years ago in 1691 by Joannes Nolet, the beginning of a long family tradition of distilling expertise. Each final production run is approved by a member of the Nolet family. The purpose of this extensive production process and associated effort is to make a truly exceptional vodka. Sophisticated and crisp, this is Ketel One Vodka.
Fragrance: Nosing Ketel One Vodka will return hints of citrus and honey.
Flavour: After a sip of Ketel One Vodka, you'll taste a crisp, unmistakable coolness.
Feel: Ketel One Vodka generously and smoothly coats the tongue.
Finish: The finish of Ketel One Vodka leaves a lively tingle, reminding you of its quality.
Alcohol Vol 40%
The distillery was founded over 300 years ago in 1691 by Joannes Nolet, the beginning of a long family tradition of distilling expertise. Each final production run is approved by a member of the Nolet family. The purpose of this extensive production process and associated effort is to make a truly exceptional vodka. Sophisticated and crisp, this is Ketel One Vodka.
Fragrance: Nosing Ketel One Vodka will return hints of citrus and honey.
Flavour: After a sip of Ketel One Vodka, you'll taste a crisp, unmistakable coolness.
Feel: Ketel One Vodka generously and smoothly coats the tongue.
Finish: The finish of Ketel One Vodka leaves a lively tingle, reminding you of its quality.
Alcohol Vol 40%