Makers Mark Bourbon 700ml
Bill Samuels, Sr., simply wanted a whisky he would enjoy drinking. Never bitter or sharp, Maker's Mark is made with soft red winter wheat, instead of the usual rye, for a one-of-a-kind, full-flavored bourbon. To ensure consistency, every barrel was rotated by hand and bourbon was aged to taste, not time. Each and every bottle of Maker's is still hand-dipped in their signature red wax at the distillery in Loretto, just like Bill, Sr. would have wanted.
Aroma: Sweet oak, vanilla, bright fruit and wheat prevail in the nose
Taste: Sweet with balance of oak, vanilla and fruity essences
Finish: Smooth and creamy with a pleasant soft spice and clean finish
Alc 40%
Bill Samuels, Sr., simply wanted a whisky he would enjoy drinking. Never bitter or sharp, Maker's Mark is made with soft red winter wheat, instead of the usual rye, for a one-of-a-kind, full-flavored bourbon. To ensure consistency, every barrel was rotated by hand and bourbon was aged to taste, not time. Each and every bottle of Maker's is still hand-dipped in their signature red wax at the distillery in Loretto, just like Bill, Sr. would have wanted.
Aroma: Sweet oak, vanilla, bright fruit and wheat prevail in the nose
Taste: Sweet with balance of oak, vanilla and fruity essences
Finish: Smooth and creamy with a pleasant soft spice and clean finish
Alc 40%