Cosa Nostra Tommy Gun 700ml
- Scottish Blends
Cosa Nostra is a Scotch whiskey, which comes in a bottle that is a vintage replica Tommy Gun, as it was used during the late 1920 "The era of the legendary Mafia bosses asAl Capone and Lucky Luciano". Scotch subtle but strong flavor and velvety texture and amber. Aged for three years.
Alcohol Vol. 40%
- Scottish Blends
Cosa Nostra is a Scotch whiskey, which comes in a bottle that is a vintage replica Tommy Gun, as it was used during the late 1920 "The era of the legendary Mafia bosses asAl Capone and Lucky Luciano". Scotch subtle but strong flavor and velvety texture and amber. Aged for three years.
Alcohol Vol. 40%