Ciroc Mango 700ml
Ciroc Mango is a smooth tasting spirit infused with mango and other natural flavours. The vodka is masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of juicy Carabao mango combines with tangy citrus and other tropical flavours, creating a unique melange of tastes and layers of flavour. Enjoy on the rocks, as a shot or mixed in your favourite cocktail.
Alc 37.5%
Ciroc Mango is a smooth tasting spirit infused with mango and other natural flavours. The vodka is masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of juicy Carabao mango combines with tangy citrus and other tropical flavours, creating a unique melange of tastes and layers of flavour. Enjoy on the rocks, as a shot or mixed in your favourite cocktail.
Alc 37.5%