Dalmore Quintessence 700ml
Initially matured in American oak ex-bourbon casks, Quintessence spends a further five years in five different Californian red wine casks hand selected by Richard Paterson for this release, which marks his fifty years in the industry. Each cask held wine made with a different variety of grape, namely Zinfandel, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, providing different qualities to the final whisky.
Nose: Black Forest fruits, marmalade and honeycomb.
Palate: Tropical fruits, ginger and sun dried raisins.
Finish: Cassis, orange, fresh baked banana.
Alc 45%
Initially matured in American oak ex-bourbon casks, Quintessence spends a further five years in five different Californian red wine casks hand selected by Richard Paterson for this release, which marks his fifty years in the industry. Each cask held wine made with a different variety of grape, namely Zinfandel, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, providing different qualities to the final whisky.
Nose: Black Forest fruits, marmalade and honeycomb.
Palate: Tropical fruits, ginger and sun dried raisins.
Finish: Cassis, orange, fresh baked banana.
Alc 45%