El Dorado 8YO Rum 700ml
"An exceptional medium bodied Cask Aged premium amber Rum. This superb recent addition to the El Dorado portfolio is the result of the skillful marriage by our Master Blenders of aged rums from no fewer than four of the traditional Stills preserved by Demerara Distillers, including the original Wooden Coffey Still from Enmore and the double Wooden Pot Still from Port Mourant. This 8 Year Old rum is a complex fusion of a full flavoured, heavy bodied rum with light-to-medium bodied rums aged in bourbon oak casks - creating a sumptuous smooth sipping rum which can also form the basis of memorable cocktails.
Tasting Notes: Light to medium-bodied nose with hints of tobacco mixed with caramel toffee. Faint aroma of dried stone fruits and flamb?e banana. Soft and faintly sweet mouth-feel with traces of oak and butterscotch. Distinctly smooth."
40% Alc
"An exceptional medium bodied Cask Aged premium amber Rum. This superb recent addition to the El Dorado portfolio is the result of the skillful marriage by our Master Blenders of aged rums from no fewer than four of the traditional Stills preserved by Demerara Distillers, including the original Wooden Coffey Still from Enmore and the double Wooden Pot Still from Port Mourant. This 8 Year Old rum is a complex fusion of a full flavoured, heavy bodied rum with light-to-medium bodied rums aged in bourbon oak casks - creating a sumptuous smooth sipping rum which can also form the basis of memorable cocktails.
Tasting Notes: Light to medium-bodied nose with hints of tobacco mixed with caramel toffee. Faint aroma of dried stone fruits and flamb?e banana. Soft and faintly sweet mouth-feel with traces of oak and butterscotch. Distinctly smooth."
40% Alc