Hankey Bannister Heritage Blend 700ml
- Scottish Blends
Upon uncovering a rare 1920s bottle of Hankey Bannister, Inver House Master Distiller Stuart Harvey was tasked with recreating this piece of whisky history (much like the recent Mackinlay?s recreation but without the considerable excitement of an Ernest Shackleton Antarctic expedition!).
5,000 cases of this recreation have been produced using Hankey Bannister Original as a starting point. The recipe was then teaked with older and peated malts to match the flavour profile of the 1920s blend and create a fascinating insight into what Hankey Bannister was like some 90 odd years ago!
Alcohol Vol. 46%
- Scottish Blends
Upon uncovering a rare 1920s bottle of Hankey Bannister, Inver House Master Distiller Stuart Harvey was tasked with recreating this piece of whisky history (much like the recent Mackinlay?s recreation but without the considerable excitement of an Ernest Shackleton Antarctic expedition!).
5,000 cases of this recreation have been produced using Hankey Bannister Original as a starting point. The recipe was then teaked with older and peated malts to match the flavour profile of the 1920s blend and create a fascinating insight into what Hankey Bannister was like some 90 odd years ago!
Alcohol Vol. 46%