Macallan Aera 700ml
- Single Malt
- Speyside
Originally a Taiwan exclusive release from one of Scotland?s oldest and most famous distilleries, The Macallan AERA is a truly special whisky made to celebrate and commemorate the important milestones in life. Matured predominantly in Sherry cask, this single malt whisky is well balanced with notes of chocolate and dried fruit, intertwined with honey and sweet citrus, delivering a rich and flavourful palate with a warm, lingering finish. Absolutely delightful.
Alc. 40%
- Single Malt
- Speyside
Originally a Taiwan exclusive release from one of Scotland?s oldest and most famous distilleries, The Macallan AERA is a truly special whisky made to celebrate and commemorate the important milestones in life. Matured predominantly in Sherry cask, this single malt whisky is well balanced with notes of chocolate and dried fruit, intertwined with honey and sweet citrus, delivering a rich and flavourful palate with a warm, lingering finish. Absolutely delightful.
Alc. 40%