Carta Mirto Silvio 700ml
Aspect: intense black with bright, purple tinges. Scent: multiple aromas. Apart from the intense myrtle, it is possible to distinguish other aromas of the maquis such as aromatic herbs, bay leaves, sage and plum jam. Taste: All these scents mix together in a very elegant and enveloping myrtle that stands out in the mouth, dominated by the plant notes, in a very refined sweetand-sour arm wrestling leading to a dry ending rich in Mediterranean aftertaste.
Alc. 30%
Aspect: intense black with bright, purple tinges. Scent: multiple aromas. Apart from the intense myrtle, it is possible to distinguish other aromas of the maquis such as aromatic herbs, bay leaves, sage and plum jam. Taste: All these scents mix together in a very elegant and enveloping myrtle that stands out in the mouth, dominated by the plant notes, in a very refined sweetand-sour arm wrestling leading to a dry ending rich in Mediterranean aftertaste.
Alc. 30%