Proper Twelve Irish Whiskey 1000ml
MMA champion Conor McGregor has launched his own Irish whiskey label.
Introducing Conor McGregor's own brand of Irish Whiskey. Distilled, aged, & bottled in Ireland, Proper No. Twelve is smooth and balanced with a fine blend of golden grain and full flavored malted barley. It's aged a minimum of three years in bourbon barrel and offers hints of vanilla, honey-like sweetness and toasted wood. A proper salute to all, Proper No. Twelve pays homage to the founder, Conor McGregor, and his neighborhood of Crumlin, Dublin 12. It embodies their shared spirit of brotherhood, loyalty, and hard work.
Proper No. Twelve's global launch expression is a blend of the finest golden grain and single malt. It is produced in an area known for its rich soil and pure spring water. Proper No. Twelve is complex and sophisticated yet smooth and approachable with hints of vanilla, honey and toasted wood.
40% alc
MMA champion Conor McGregor has launched his own Irish whiskey label.
Introducing Conor McGregor's own brand of Irish Whiskey. Distilled, aged, & bottled in Ireland, Proper No. Twelve is smooth and balanced with a fine blend of golden grain and full flavored malted barley. It's aged a minimum of three years in bourbon barrel and offers hints of vanilla, honey-like sweetness and toasted wood. A proper salute to all, Proper No. Twelve pays homage to the founder, Conor McGregor, and his neighborhood of Crumlin, Dublin 12. It embodies their shared spirit of brotherhood, loyalty, and hard work.
Proper No. Twelve's global launch expression is a blend of the finest golden grain and single malt. It is produced in an area known for its rich soil and pure spring water. Proper No. Twelve is complex and sophisticated yet smooth and approachable with hints of vanilla, honey and toasted wood.
40% alc