Royal Stag Blended Indian Whisky 750ml
"Royal Stag is Pernod Ricard India?s leading brand and the Group?s largest by volume. Positioned as a premium whisky, the brand?s slogan is: ?It?s your life, make it large.? Royal Stag was created in 1995 from a blend of Indian spirits and imported Scottish malt. The first brand in India without artificial flavouring, it has become a key whisky and a benchmark among the country?s power brands. In 2012/13, Royal Stag sold 14.3 million cases and continues to grow."
42.8% Alc
"Royal Stag is Pernod Ricard India?s leading brand and the Group?s largest by volume. Positioned as a premium whisky, the brand?s slogan is: ?It?s your life, make it large.? Royal Stag was created in 1995 from a blend of Indian spirits and imported Scottish malt. The first brand in India without artificial flavouring, it has become a key whisky and a benchmark among the country?s power brands. In 2012/13, Royal Stag sold 14.3 million cases and continues to grow."
42.8% Alc