Sin Rival Vodka 750ml
Sin Rival is unique and distinguished among the vodkas of the world by its famous agave worm in the bottle (Cossus redtembachi), the larva of the night butterfly which lives in the semi-desert agave plants of Mexico.
The ancient Aztec and the Nahuatl civilizations of Mexico believed that it had mystical powers and used them as an integral part of the traditional cuisine. It is five times distilled and made from pure grain.
Vodka "Sin Rival" (With no Rival).
Alc. 45%
Sin Rival is unique and distinguished among the vodkas of the world by its famous agave worm in the bottle (Cossus redtembachi), the larva of the night butterfly which lives in the semi-desert agave plants of Mexico.
The ancient Aztec and the Nahuatl civilizations of Mexico believed that it had mystical powers and used them as an integral part of the traditional cuisine. It is five times distilled and made from pure grain.
Vodka "Sin Rival" (With no Rival).
Alc. 45%