Smith & Cross Rum 700ml
"The sugar trade was a cornerstone of the British Empire and in 1802 London's West India Docks, were built solely to process the vast amounts of sugar and rum arriving from British colonies, particularly Jamaica. For generations, England was Jamaica's best market for rum and for this reason the world went to London to source the finest products. With its roots going back to 1788, Smith & Cross and its partners became prominent handlers of Jamaica rum, with extensive cellars along the banks of The River Thames. Throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, Jamaica Rum became revered for its deep, full flavours and pleasing aromas. This rum represents the distinctively flavourful and aromatic style that made Jamaican rum famous."
Alc 57%
"The sugar trade was a cornerstone of the British Empire and in 1802 London's West India Docks, were built solely to process the vast amounts of sugar and rum arriving from British colonies, particularly Jamaica. For generations, England was Jamaica's best market for rum and for this reason the world went to London to source the finest products. With its roots going back to 1788, Smith & Cross and its partners became prominent handlers of Jamaica rum, with extensive cellars along the banks of The River Thames. Throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, Jamaica Rum became revered for its deep, full flavours and pleasing aromas. This rum represents the distinctively flavourful and aromatic style that made Jamaican rum famous."
Alc 57%