Soul Dark Rum 500ml
DARK SOUL - a Trinidad Rum.
Bitter and sweet nose with notes of salt caramel and toffee, a little chocolate fudge, espresso beans and vanilla cream. And a hint of pepper. SOUL is aimed at the new Rum consumer, seeking a look that matches their lifestyle. A sleek matte black bottle finished in flashes of a red and bold, crisp white palette. SOUL’s philosophy is to embrace and celebrate life with friends, as long as that includes VIP and backstage passes and invites to the best parties in town.
Alcohol Vol. 37.5
DARK SOUL - a Trinidad Rum.
Bitter and sweet nose with notes of salt caramel and toffee, a little chocolate fudge, espresso beans and vanilla cream. And a hint of pepper. SOUL is aimed at the new Rum consumer, seeking a look that matches their lifestyle. A sleek matte black bottle finished in flashes of a red and bold, crisp white palette. SOUL’s philosophy is to embrace and celebrate life with friends, as long as that includes VIP and backstage passes and invites to the best parties in town.
Alcohol Vol. 37.5